Lowman United Methodist Church
Anti-Harassment Policy

As approved by the Church Council on January 17, 2010

Statement of Policy:
Clergy, lay employees, volunteers and lay persons of the Lowman United Methodist Church shall not engage in harassment of any clergy, lay employees, volunteers, and/or lay persons of the congregation of the United Methodist Church.  Furthermore, the harassment of any person -- whether or not a member of this congregation -- is deemed a violation of the dignity of God's creation in general and specifically a violation of that person's dignity.

Theological Foundation:
All persons are created by God.  God intends all persons to have worth and dignity in their relationships.  The harassment of one person by another violates the harassed person's worth and dignity.  Therefore, harassment is sinful behavior against both God and the harassed person.  Christian love requires protection of the harassed person and peaceful correction of the person engaging in the harassment.

Definition of Harassment:
Harassment is verbal, visual or physical behavior that can be reasonably perceived by a receiver as (1) unwelcome and (2) offensive.  Examples of harassment may include -- but are not limited to -- inappropriate comments, slurs, jokes, symbols, innuendos, pranks, glaring, gifts, physical touching, or actioins indicating or threatening physical touching.

Upon adoption by the Church Council, this policy shall be distributed in two consecutive issues of the church newsletter and in the worship bulletins for four consecutive weeks.  The policy shall become a permanent page on the church's website.  Copies will be available in the Lowman United Methodist Church office.

Making a Complaint:
Any person who is the object of harassment, or any person who becomes aware of such harassment, shall report such behavior to the senior pastor, any other clergy of the congregation, the Chair of the Staff Parish Relations Team, or the Lay Leader.  Upon receipt of a complaint, an investigation will be conducted and appropriate action taken as an informal disposition by this congregation.  In cases in which the informal disposition is unacceptable to either the person reporting the believed harassment or the person accused of the harassment, appropriate action shall be taken in accordance with the procedures established in The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church and/or the Standing Rules of the Kansas East Conference.